

of this instrument

is most probably the oldest

preserved four part Italian flute.

Giuseppe Castel’s workshop was presumably

in Venetian, maybe in Venice itself, which is to be assumed

from the Venetian lion on the stamp. A connect to Vivaldi is therefore most likely.

The boxwood flute is fitted with wide ivory rings und a decoratively engraved silver key. It has a small

oval shaped embouchure hole and a wide bore with surprisingly little taper. As a result, the flute has a very full and rounded tone, despite the high tuning of almost a=440 Hz, which was not unusual for Italian instruments.

My copies of Castel’s flute are made of boxwood or ebony. The tone, when using ebony, will be somewhat stronger. The heavier wood presents the player with a slightly larger resistance.

For the wide ornamental rings and the cap, I use a new material which has been specifically developed for my workshop. With its very high density it possesses similar physical qualities to real ivory.

An additional center piece for a=415 Hz is available for the Castel flute when requested.


Photo: Ulrich Ehret

Fridtjof Aurin   Traversos   Düsseldorf

Giuseppe Castel, Italy, ca. 1730

boxwood or ebony with

engraved silver key

a=440 Hz